5 Ways To Give Back as a Bootstrapped Entrepreneur

how to give back as a bootstrapped entrepreneur

Are you committed to making the world a better place? Entrepreneurs everywhere are taking a more active approach to philanthropy and writing “charitable giving” into their business plans.

A recent report released by Ernst & Young found that 70% of entrepreneurs donate their time to charitable causes, and 62% claim that giving back makes their companies more successful in the long run. Even more interesting: nearly 50% of entrepreneurs have formed their own charities—further proof that when it comes to “giving back,” entrepreneurs see it as an opportunity, not an obligation.

If you’re looking for ways to make a difference, but are just starting out with your business – you might feel like you can’t make an impact. Not so. The good news is that you don’t need a lot of cash to give back to your community. Here are five ways to “give strategically” and make a difference, without breaking the bank.

  1. Volunteer In The Community

    Offering your time can be just as beneficial as donating money – and it’s rewarding for you to boot! If you’re not sure where to start try VolunteerMatch. It’s is an awesome resource for finding local volunteer opportunities. On the site, you can filter the search to find charitable activities that are a great fit for you or your group. That’s right – you can get team members or colleagues to join the cause!

  2. Take on a Nonprofit Client

    Each year, take on a nonprofit client that you believe in. If you’re a service-based business, offer your services to them pro bono. Find an organization that you know could benefit from your product or services, and that you know you can serve with passion. Just find a local organization that you care about and call to ask how you can help them spread the word about their cause.

  3. Offer Your Expertise

    As an entrepreneur, you possess knowledge and wisdom that your community finds valuable. You know what you’re great at. Utilize it to give back. Look for opportunities to share your expertise for free. You could help a local organization with their website, speak at a free event about small business taxes, or use your social media platforms to drive attention to a cause. You could also join the board of a fundraising committee and help bring new money into an important organization.

  4. Establish a Company Tradition

    Set up charitable giving events for your team to look forward to each year. Make the outing during normal work hours and give each person the choice to participate (because giving back should never be mandatory). You could distribute excess inventory, participate in a local run for a cause, or get your customers involved in a fundraising event. Not only does it make giving fun, but it also shows the public that you’re a company that cares.

  5. Invest In The Future

    As an entrepreneur, you understand that the best way to make an impact is to help people help themselves. Entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do, and kids need people to inspire and encourage their budding passions. Ask to speak to the next generation at a local high school, or sign up as a mentor for the Big Brothers/Sisters program in your community.

Paying it forward doesn’t always come with a hefty price tag. For many entrepreneurs, philanthropy involves more than just money—actions can make a big impact. How does your small business give back?

About the author:

Lawton Ursrey – Sage One awareness guru and fellow entrepreneur
I have a healthy disrespect for the impossible and a passion for the little details. While I run my own small business, I am also passionate about helping other small business owners. If I’m not running my business, or helping you run yours, then I’m probably playing guitar.

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